
Jumat, 23 November 2012

The Thought of Freedom

A few months ago GFJA made an open open call for photographers to celebrate its 20th birthday. The underlying theme is "Freedom".

I sent a few old pictures, because i hadn't taken any new photos in over a year. there's literally dust all over my camera when i went to see them, and still haven't dust them off till now.

Nowadays i prefer using my mobile phone to take pictures, its simple, quick and like people today, i never left home without it. i thought about sending these mobile phones' photos, but i had doubts about its quality.

in an email i sent to GFJA, i wrote

"Freedom should never be defined, defining freedom is an act against freedom itself"

When asked the question "what is freedom?" i was silent. Enjoying a cup of coffee and ciggarettes after a hard days work, able to go anywhere at any given time, or as simple as being able to cut my hair the way i wanted to were the things that came to mind. but is it that simple?

Enjoying a cup of coffee and ciggarettes in a cafe after a hard days work is quite relaxing, but what if the cafe is a no smoking area, will it still be called freedom if you chose to ignore the rules and disturb other people? being able to go anywhere at any given time is a thought that will crossed the thought of photographers every now and then, but is freedom really that easy? to travel we need money, and it ain't exactly freedom if we needed money to achieve it.

Freedom is different for each individuals but the underlying idea is the same, Here's my take on it.

Freedom is like a desirable empty space behind DOORS or WINDOWS. In order to achieve it you know that it needed a certain amount of effort. if the doors and windows are opened, you simply need to push it, but if its locked, you have to break it open. but the question is "Do you want to break it?". for those who dare, the will jump to the opportunity and break it at all cost, but most people waited for other people to break it for them. will it still be called individual freedom if you asked or waited other people to break "The Barrier", that leads to freedom, for you.

The most important thing is what you do after that barrier is breached, after you have reached that space behind the door, after freedom is achieved. 

note : All the photos above used Sony Experia Play.