
Selasa, 18 November 2014

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Karena lowongnya jadwal harian saya (alias nganggur) sempet berencana untuk motret 3 hari berturut-turut. Tetapi apa daya, karena satu dan lain hal, cuman bisa motret pas hari terakhir.

Pementasan yang bertepatan dengan 30 tahun Teater Sastra UI ini berlangdung selama 3 hari, 14-16 November 2014. Biasanya jika pementasan berlangsung selama 3 hari, saya akan memilih untuk menonton pertunjukan kedua, yang biasanya jatuh pada hari sabtu. Sulit menjelaskannya, tapi rasa-rasanya para aktor-aktor ini bermain lebih baik pada pertunjukan kedua IMHO. 

overall, the play was okay. Ada beberapa bagian yang sangat menghibur dan ada beberapa yang terasa sangat panjang. To know more about the play, click here

Satu hal yang sangat terasa jika memotret pagelaran teater kampus adalah lighting yang jauh dari memadai. Pake 2,8 dipush sampai 3200 masih ngos-ngosan motretnya haha

tapi ya, liat sendiri ajalah ya

Rabu, 22 Oktober 2014


Belum pernah memiliki ekspektasi setinggi ini terhadap seorang pemimpin, tapi saya sadar bahwa saya harus belajar untuk me-manage ekspektasi saya tersebut. Semoga amanat rakyat yang anda emban dapat anda jaga dengan baik.

Selamat bekerja Pak

photo by : mgretti

Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014

28 Days at Sea

The trip has certainly given me a chance to think a lot about life. 

At the beginning of the trip, i saw an instagram post from komikazer. It was an illustration with a quote on it.

Alangkah mengerikannya menjadi tua dengan kenangan masa muda yang hanya berisi kemacetan jalan, ketakutan datang terlambat ke kantor, tugas-tugas rutin yang tidak menggugah semangat, dan kehidupan seperti mesin, yang hanya akan berakhir dengan pensiun tidak seberapa."
Menjadi Tua di Jakarta, Seno Gumira Ajidarma
I've read the quote before, but I never really had the chance to think about it. For the past three years, my life has been an endless routine that seemed to push me further away from finding a meaning in life. As much as I hate to admit it, I've became a robot.

The next morning after returning to Jakarta, I handed my resignation. After working at a government institution for almost 3 years, i decided to quit for good. Why? Because i don't want to wake up three years from now and still have to do the same thing over and over again. 

Am I scared? of course, but the excitement of being able to live under my own terms is all i can think about right now. And now I'm at the early stages of a personal project(s) with the person who has has inspired me the most this past year, @mgretti.

Ga usah takut kawan, burung pipit aja setiap hari bisa makan

Please keep in mind, if you ever find yourself in need of a photographer, I'm available. You can reach me at sophan.pribadi@gmail.com

Selasa, 25 Maret 2014


There's nothing wrong with taking pictures of yourself and then editing the photos to your liking. But if you have to use an app to edit your frickin' face, then there is something seriously wrong with you. #justsayin.

Here's some selfie from yours truly..

Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

Happy birthday dear wifey

Happy birthday dear wifey..
Though sometimes i feel we met at the wrong time in my life, but somehow i know that the moment couldn't be any better.
You taught me that dreams are important
That it defines us as humans

thank you and happy birthday
Lets continue sharing our dreams in order to make realities (a bit more) bearable

I love you

You might be weird, but still you're my weirdo...

Minggu, 23 Februari 2014

Rest In Peace

“Death ends a life, not a relationship.” 
-Mitch Alborn-

 “my feet will want to walk to where you are sleeping, but I shall go on living.”
-Pablo Neruda-

“We were promised sufferings. They were part of the program. We were even told, 'Blessed are they that mourn,' and I accept it. I've got nothing that I hadn't bargained for. Of curse it is different when the thing happens to oneself, not to others, and in reality, not imagination.” 
-C.S. Lewis-

Hadn't really had a chance to know him, because our encounters was always brief. Nevertheless, i'm pretty sure he was a great man, considering all the stories that my wife and my father in law used to told me.