finding the perfect 'somebody' is not an easy thing to do,and i'm not merely talking about the romantical kind of perfect, such as romeo-juliet (probably not a good example due to their tragic ending), simpson's homer-marge. the relationship could also be work related, like sukarno-hatta, woodward-bernstein, and lets not forget about lennon-mccartney (or is it mccartney-lennon?) or they could also be family members, like the wright brothers.
but sometimes it doesn't have to be about finding the perfect partner, but it could also be about the perfect rival. eg. superman-lex luthor, steve jobs-bill gates
those mention above are a prime examples of partnership (or rivalries) at its best, why? because you can't mention the one without the other. the one encourages the other to be better and in the end, they would both achieve greatness (or suffer a tragic death).
so let us find our partners in crime, in life, and if we're lucky in love
Sophan udah kayak Romo-Romo mau Doa Syukur Agung deh. Bijak bener sih lu? =) Fotonya naratif abis, panggg!
BalasHapusKreatif abis. Keep up the good work Gol. Jangan lupa ajarin gw yak.